Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project

Metro understands that getting between the Valley, Westside and LAX can be challenging. Building on the promise of voter-approved Measure M, Metro is working to improve these connections and offer new options for the more than 400,000 Angelenos who travel through the Sepulveda Corridor every day to commute to work, school, and other destinations.

What We're Studying
Metro is currently conducting a Feasibility Study (Study) to identify and evaluate a range of high-capacity transit alternatives between the San Fernando Valley and LAX, with possible connections to existing and planned Metro bus and rail lines, including the Orange, Purple, and Expo Lines.

Our Input is Important is the study gets underway, we need your input to learn more about the travelers who currently use the Sepulveda Corridor, including the 405 Freeway, Sepulveda Boulevard and the hillside roads connecting the San Fernando Valley, Westside, LAX, South Bay, and other areas in the L.A. region. We would like to know more about travel times, destinations and what's most important to you when making this trip.   
We encourage you to take our short online survey in English or Spanish to help guide our work. As an incentive to participate, Metro is offering a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card.

Please be on the lookout for announcements regarding upcoming meetings and other opportunities to participate in this transformative project.